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Thread: World War Z (the film)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: World War Z (the film)

    Quote Originally Posted by HandofShadows View Post
    The thing that is the problem is that when a zombie outbreak starts, it will soon attaract the attention of the CDC and similar organizations. And this will be long before you have hundereds of thousands of zombies. Do a seach for "7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail" I don't to directly link to it since it probably has bad language.
    The crack one? Yes, I've read it, it's bogus, it assumes too much and knows to little. It's like asking a a comic book writer to make a detailed account of bio-chemical virology. The point being, it's not scientific at all. Which means it attempts to be somthing which it isn't. Half the reasons are directly wrong, the rest assumes to much to be taken seriously. If you want, I can go through every one of the points made in it and tell you what exactly is wrong with it from a virologists, biologist and logical point of view. Although, I should think you would be able to see most of it yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Draconi Redfir View Post
    Though i must ask, does anybody know if Brooks actually has any say or pull in this movie or did he simply allow the folks at Hollywood to make it?
    As far as I remember he decided to not have anything to do with it at all.
    Last edited by CthulhuEatYou; 2012-11-09 at 02:16 PM.
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