
"Oh! Sorry, I got overenthusiastic. I shouldn't have; I'm duty bound to do my best to do my best to rebuild the ship using as much of the original materials as possible. I... I don't know what I'm supposed to do as the only surviving crew, but rebuilding the ship is the duty of her survivors. That way the ship never dies and her history is carried on. I'ck Tack n'A has sunk fourteen times before, and each time her crew repaired and rebuilt her and set off again." He sounds proud of how often she's sunk, or more accurately, how many times his ancestors were in the same position and managed to return to their traditional lifestyle. This time is different, however; his family is dead and his ship sunk and it's impossible to crew a ship of her size with just a sole person, especially when said person was the cabin boy and has little practical experience doing the necessary jobs aboard the ship. Besides gut the fish ready for supper, any way.