Quote Originally Posted by willpell View Post
Ah, good point. In that case, another one of those "I probably shouldn't have to ask" questions: Why did they have each Manual list the spells it contains individually, instead of simply saying once "A golem manual removes the need to know all spells involved in creating the appropriate golem?"
Look willpell, we're not mind readers. We're not the game designers. The game designers do not (as far as I know) come to this forum to answer our questions. They had their own forum for that, but it's devoted to newer editions of D&D now. We don't know why the game designers chose to write something the way they did unless they came out someplace and told us, which would be a heck of a thing to track down now if it even ever existed.

All we can do here is to examine and interpret what the books tell us. "Why" is a question best left to philosophers.