Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Eclipse View Post
....wait is there a King Sombra toy? That is so badass, he is definitely my favourite villain, appearance-wise, if there is a toy I must have it!
I don't think so. In fact, outside of one exception, I don't think theories about anything added to show as marketing ploy ever turned out to be true.

Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
For me, my rating of villains would be Discord > Chrysalis > Nightmare Moon > King Sombra. As you've noted, DeLancie does a lot to sell the character, and he could have been much less entertaining. However, I have to disagree with you on some points; for example, if Discord had been a simple bit of chaos magic, he wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining; he couldn't have corrupted the mane six; he'd have been defeated in short order.
Why not? We saw Sombra's trap corrupt Twilight and Spike, down to green eyes, and that was inanimate object, not even force of nature. Just have high concentrations of Chaotic magic affect ponies adversely or something. Discord's gag were mostly visual ones, that can be done with unintelligent object, too.

Something else that bumps Discord to the top of this list for me: he won. He took out Celestia's crack squad, turned them against each other, and so thoroughly broke their leader that she no longer cared. Arguably, he was more powerful than Celestia and Luna, since they needed the elements of harmony to beat him before, and they did nothing as he raged across the country. Only through sending letters to her student could Celestia do anything at all.
Eh, I disagree here. He didn't won - he deus ex machina'd his way to win. Fluttershy scene ruined corruption by showing us he didn't really needed to bother trying with them. Following episodes ruined corruption entirely by showing ponies can act far worse than discorded ones on their free will - such sa Rageshy being worse than Rudeshy, or Twilightmad worse than Twilightsad. It's really hard to car about deus ex machina that doesn't do anything bad (Twilight's mind rape looked a lot more worse than Discord's...), really, then loses sure victory through sheer stupidity, by, say, failing to notice defeated ponies are no longer grey. Discord had easy way to win, and worked really hard to lose. Chrysalis, for example, had easy way to lose, yet managed to win without cheap deus ex machinas.

Same with Sombra, he really looked and acted dangerous, if only through his traps, and to be honest, dark side of the force makes better villain than lame jokes.

Had Discord needed more than snap fingers, actually did something bad, and went down fighting instead of gazing on obviously re-armed opponents with slowly charging weapon, maybe he could have been great. But as it is, he fails to cause any emotions but laughter.

Just because Rainbow is a jerk sometimes doesn't mean that she's incapable of tenderness; for example, Hurricane Fluttershy. She holds herself back, is gentler than normal, and respects Fluttershy's wishes.
The same Rainbow that dumped a bucket of cold water on head of supposedly ill friend only to drag them off to highly stressful activity? Or fought Fluttershy with potentially lethal weapons? I'm sorry, but I really don't see that