Quote Originally Posted by Craft (Cheese) View Post
My response is exactly the same as my previous post: It's not about preventing, it's about not providing an effective and diverse set of tools. It just looks like we're talking in circles now, so I respectfully back out of this debate.
So, more rules for how to talk to orcs? That's fine, but there's already diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, and so on. There's already a set of diverse and effective tools, it's just that many players don't want to use them, because they're generally found to be more boring than other tools, namely swords and sorcery. This isn't a fault of the system, or even a fault of the player, but simply a fact that fighting is more fun than talking, for the majority of the player base. Hence, it makes sense for most of the rules and fluff to talk about how and why the actors are fighting. It doesn't go into detail about how orcs live and what their customs are because they don't expect players to need or want that information.