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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Coid's Crowing Conundrum of a Canticle of Crookedly Random Banter #185

    It has snowed over a foot this weekend, and it's still going strong even as I type. It may get to two feet by tomorrow. And the forecast is quite cold for the next week, so it's going to stick around!

    Winter has laid its hold at last.

    It's a good kind of snow, too: fine-grained and fluffy, prone to soft heaps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    Well, I'd start just after the emulsions, but I might as well explain what that one is since not everyone's read as much chemistry (or was it physics?) as me. Basically, an emulsion is a mixture of a hydrophile (like water) and hydrophobe (like oil), where one part (usually the hydrophobe) has been whipped into miniature bubbles who won't make the mixture stratify itself, almost giving it the appearance of a solution.

    Now, emulsions do stratify if left to their own devices for long enough, so if you have, say, a dressing, you may want reemulsify it before reapplication, which is easiest done by taking the bottle and shaking it up and down in rapid progression, if you get the idea.

    So, when this somewhat weird discussion about making a smooth mixture of wisdom and Coidzor reaches the point where Coidz needs someone to help, and Kneen says he'd like to boast his wrist and manual skills, it implies that he's not very good at shaking dressing, because not all men are hard-to-emulsify vinaigrettes (I assume vinaigrettes are hard to emulsify, but it could be the other way around, in which case "not all men" probably refers to Coidz instead), so he hasn't gotten the training required...
    It is, indeed, as you say -- although in your high speech, the particular image has still I think evaded the lady's cognition.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
    The best way to think of random banter chat is like being a parrot in a tree full of parrots with everyone squawking at once.
    It is no bad thing to be but one voice in a chorus, man!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post

    Oh, that's where I left em.

    See, with a line like that, your innocence to the other entendres that flew around is suspect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    Wait... You have never eaten lamb? It is a food most common here in Australia and indeed is the traditional thing to consume on Australia Day if one has not made arrangements to have a barbecue.
    Lamb is quite scarce around here: I have eaten it perhaps once as a child, and it is rare even in finer restaurants. Some cultural difference between our respective post-colonies, I expect; although I cannot speak for all of Canada, only the Prairies [I can imagine it being more popular in Quebec].
    Last edited by Kneenibble; 2012-11-11 at 03:28 AM.