Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
Yeah. Because I was in such a rush I just tipped everything out, combed through it for everything I would throw away, then dumped everything into random drawers. Now I have no idea where anything is, and my big awesome idea of finally organizing my set-of-drawers full of crap I don't ever think about has been less than successful. Now I just shoved all the clutter way somewhere.

Hmm. I like him!

You can be Kira. I'll be L.

Have I mentioned my friend who is the same person as Black Star yet? I think I have...
And yet it's still more organized then my room

The Tick's got a super power. His super power is the Power of Drama. The more dramatic and serious a situation is, the stronger he is.

But I don't want to kill you then get killed by my best slave friend after being defeated mentally by your protoge.

You've mentioned it before, yes.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
It has snowed over a foot this weekend, and it's still going strong even as I type. It may get to two feet by tomorrow. And the forecast is quite cold for the next week, so it's going to stick around!

Winter has laid its hold at last.

It's a good kind of snow, too: fine-grained and fluffy, prone to soft heaps.


See, with a line like that, your innocence to the other entendres that flew around is suspect.
Wow, two feet of snow. As much as I complain about the snow fall we get, I realize that there are some places that get two feet of snow per YEAR, but because of how unprepared they are it's a friggen disaster, so in a way I guess I'm glad we get a ton of snow as a norm, since we're prepared for it.

Still, looking forward to snow seems crazy, to me.

Also, I legitimately just did not understand your innuendo. Big words confuse Tiny Brain Zodi.