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Thread: Completionist players in a sandbox

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    Titan in the Playground
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    London, EU

    Default Re: Completionist players in a sandbox

    There comes a point, in some combats, where I just hand wave the result.
    If the result of the combat is a forgone conclusion, such as the cases you describe, then it is fairly pointless running through the numbers.

    Ed: one thing you can do, sometimes, is to have reinforcements turn up. Now another 400 CR 1/2 goblins is not going to cut it, but a tribe of Hill Giants, say, just might. Just have the sound of the fighting attract a 'random' encounter.
    Last edited by nedz; 2012-11-11 at 11:46 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

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