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    Default Re: Warhammer 40k fluff thread VI: They see me Ward'en, they haten

    Quote Originally Posted by Squark View Post
    Also, if you're packing that many people into that small a space, you run into heating problems; As David Morgan Mar pointed out, Coruscant (which has a population of only one trillion) would produce enough heat to melt the entire planet's surface. You're packing 8 times that many people into a much smaller space.
    (Well, the comic in question specifies 100 trillion, not 8.) Like I said, all food would have to be produced locally from recycled waste. I'm not sure about the heating problem, but I'm assuming direct chemical manufacture of protein/vitamins, which, if possible, should cut down on the energy requirements. Given adequate surface ventilation, it might be possible.

    Overheating would definitely be a problem for a place like necromunda/terra, unless they have some very fancy future tech for efficiently pumping waste heat into space. *shrugs*. I dunno. Maybe they couldn't exist. But my point is that, if hive or forge worlds did exist, in anything resembling the official description, they would necessarily house huge populations.

    EDIT: Tokyo comparisons don't really cut it, since none of our modern cities approach the density of an arcology.
    Last edited by Carry2; 2012-11-11 at 04:12 PM.