Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
If you don't know what points with your parents are for, I don't think you'll have enough time to get enough to cash in at this point in time. Worth a shot though I suppose.

Oh my.

Yeah. Old. It was kinda funny, I was there with my dad a few months ago, babbling about having gotten Pocky, which meant I'd have to have an anime marathon, when he asked me which ones. In this town, if you discover someone else watches what you do, if it's a nerdy thing, you stick together. There's not many of us. Anyway, I suggested that SOul Eater, and he just told me yesterday he started it. ^.^

Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
*feels old*
I'm officially of the stance you can still count as biologically young until you're, I dunno, 29, but mentally can be forever. Not that that's always a good thing.

Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Hey now, if I had an actuall friend hanging out with me, I'd put the laptop away so I could hang out correctly
Which would be pretty silly, because I'd immediately start posting to you while in the same room.

Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
Given, non-contextual and cryptic isn't quite the same, but hey, practice makes perfect.

Pfft, who said I'm in pain? I just want snow, and the weather set up such a perfect background to write something semi-poetic against.

On a related note, I don't envy your weather the slightest.
Oh no, this is cryptic even when it is in context. I went all-out here.

I'm pretty sure Washington weather is why Ted Bundy was a serial killer.

ION: Turns out looking in my memento box makes me cry. I really should stop doing that.