The Soft Serve ex soda shop

"...Are you talking about that one about genderbending Grills?...."
Gearstride shook her head and shrugged, from what she saw, Grills seemed fine so it had less impact, but it was more or less clarifying for Silverpine.

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"... Soft Serve. Not for me," Icy muttered under her breath. She looked over the new arrivals, her ears perking up as she spied her coltfriend trailing along behind. "Fox!" she cried, pushing forward to envelope the mocha stallion in a rare un-Icy-like hug.

Fox had been off in his head was caught by surprise by his fillyfriend. "Icy..!" He smiled and hugged his lady with gusto. "Pleasantly surprised to see you." Nuzzle.