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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: The Culture explores 40K II: Now With 100% more Fanfiction

    Quote Originally Posted by Oracle_Hunter View Post
    All it would take is producing one Mind with the correct desires, and then churning out "sympathetic" intelligences in enough Ships to overwhelm the fragmented "main" Culture forces in a surprise or short-term war.
    Minds are made within specific psychological parameters. While variation and natural development is allowed, a Mind that violates the Culture's norms so grossly is a once in forever event.
    Apart from that, I think one of them did decide it would read minds without permission. I don't know what happened to it, but it probably isn't anything good.

    EDIT: how this squares with free will and individual liberty? Eh, I don't know. But that's how it is.

    Additionally, GSVs are the ships that can build everything. A GCU is not able to manufacture ships (or at least, they were never described to do so, but I don't doubt one might be able to, given enough time and effort). GSVs have multiple Minds (3, I believe) and while one may deviate, the others will overrule it.

    The other thing is that the Culture currently has a moratorium on direct experimentation with the Warp. Which all the ships know to follow due to the exact nature of the threat you mention.
    They're afraid of exactly that. A fleet of Chaos Culture ships coming to burn everything in the galaxy.
    Last edited by jseah; 2012-11-12 at 10:42 AM.