Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Ember chuckled and walked up behind his faefriend after she made her dramatic leap. It was cute. "Haha..its just a pair of auto-magic doors, it has got magics that open the door when ponies enter and exit, pretty nifty."
Lochbed examined the door. She normally could not enter a building but there was no odd feel about this one. This was because it was a public place. "Ye ponies have some oddities within ye world."

"I see, so like initially buffooning your way through it?"
Aubade said with a small short laugh.
"Yeah. Something like that." He nervously smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "But enough about me and meh crazy dealings. Let's talk about you. Have any skill other than housework aaand..." He blinked his eyes with turned born for a moment. A rush of information passed through his mind. Every memory and detail he had for a week past. And there he saw a packet of seeds. "... gardening?"