Quote Originally Posted by CrnivorousMeece View Post
On King Sombra
To quote brawlmaster012, a wise Youtuber.

"People are really missing the point of Sombra's character. Sombra is NOT like Nightmare Moon, Discord, or Queen Chrysalis. He doesn't have a physical form thanks to Celestia and Luna so a direct confrontation would be impossible. His only purpose is as an indirect threat, thus prompting an indirect solution aka the retrieval of the Crystal Heart instead of a battle like so many people seem to have expected. Honestly, if this guy was just another Queen Chrysalis, this episode would've bored me."

I kinda have to agree with that, after all King Sombra didn't really become physical until he almost had the Crystal Heart which is probably why he didn't attack anyone. Although he did display the ability to use magic so there could have been a magic fight or something, oh well. Too bad he was blown to bits shortly after becoming whole again.

Plus if you look at him just before he cries out, you'll see that he looks sad, like he's sad to see all that waiting and struggle just to get his body and empire back go to waste after such a short amount of time.
Pretty much agreed. Still as villains go he seemed to just be flat out weaker. I never got the impression that if Twilight failed, that Celestia and Luna wouldn't be able to just finish him off personally.

Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
Empress Trixie's GalCiv2 update:
Dear Princess Luna,

War in the galaxy is commonplace now in the 11th year. Empire versus empire, neighbor versus neighbor, all over the small rocky bits of barely useful flotsam they call “resources”. Indeed, it seems the biggest tradable commodity on the galactic market right now are bullets.
Luckily, The Great and Powerful Trixie has the diplomatic skill to stay out of wars, the stolen missile technology to defend my empire, and the vast Unicorn population to keep our nation self-sufficient through these dangerous times.

Trixie has no dump stat.

Unfortunately, the galaxy comes with its own agenda—a terrorist organization called “The Jagged Knife” seized control of the local governments across several colony worlds in every empire, including 7 worlds belonging to the Unicorns! Luckily I had troop transports stationed across the Unicorn empire in case of troop transport civil uprising emergency. Not that the Unicorns would ever revolt.
I’ve enjoyed a 100% popularity rating for the past 4 years.

Still, no terrorists are going to push the Unicorns around. I managed to seize back 4 of the 7 defected worlds from the Jagged Knife within two months. Two months after that I reclaimed the other 3. The secret to my success was lazy city planning where 6 of those 7 planets didn’t have starport factories to produce starships or defenses for the Jagged Knife the sheer brilliance of proper military planning where I had kept troops stationed in easy reach of my worlds in case of a stealth attack.
Unfortunately, although I reclaimed my worlds, the Jagged Knife killed off a lot of those planet populations and damaged their infrastructures. Rebuilding has sunk our economy into a depression.

On the upside, all the other empires around me ended their wars because they’re struggling to reclaim their worlds (Apparently it pays not to build starports on every world). Hopefully the Jagged Knife is kept busy long enough for me to figure out how to get the red out of our bank ledgers.

Your Great & Powerful Student,
Trixie Lulamoon
All hail Empress Trixie!