Tenpony Tower - The DJ's Lair


The elevator doors slide open. "Right this way, then," Homage says with an almost coy smirk.

The elevator opens into into a rich marble foyer, the center of which was dominated by a water fountain. A huge alicorn made of age-darkened brass rears up before the group, its wings spread out over the foyer. The necklace around the alicorn’s neck bears a water talisman with a large sapphire set into the center. Thanks to the talisman, the fountain still flowed with fresh, clean water even two-hundred years after the apocalypse.

Stairs wrap around the foyer to a mezzanine level. Inset in the balcony are matching bronze letters: Ministry of Arcane Science -- Manehattan. Beyond the fountain is a large set of double doors bearing the title: Twilight Sparkle Athenaeum. Above on the mezzanine is a second, nearly identical set of double doors.

M.A.S. Emergency Broadcast Station
Authorized Unicorns Only

Homage leads the group up to the landing, where the double doors to M.A.S.E.B.S. swing open quietly. Inside, the group finds multiple maneframes and walls of computer screens giving a bird’s eye view of… the vast majority of the Equestrian Wasteland, as far as they can tell. While most screens had clear, sharp images, several flickered and suffered odd distortions, and one large set of screens was dead black.

Impressive, isn’t it?” Homage asks with something of a proud smile, before walking over to a bank of buttons and lights, raising a hoof to press one. She then turned and trotted back towards the center of the room, where a microphone was raising from the floor. "Quiet on the set," Homage tells the group with a sly wink, before her horn glows with an ethereal green hue.

"GOOD EVENING, WASTELAND!!" the masculine voice of DJ Pon3 suddenly belts forth from the petite little mare. "We interrupt this program to bring you a special announcement! My lovely little assistant has just informed me that I have some visitors, none other than the illustrious Team Ruben Sandwich GO!, who were nice enough to handle that nasty little Cazador issue in downtown Manehatten. Hurray! Also, somepony wants to challenge me to a DJ Battle! And should I fall in the coming battle of sound and skill... I just want you to all know... I love you," the DJ declares with playful melodrama, before a wicked smirk flickers across Homage's face. "Also, Red Eye sucks. And now, back to the music! Have a nice night, chiiiiiiildren!"

The microphone descends, the green glow around Homage's horn disappears, and DJ Pon3 turns to grin at TRSG! and Vinyl. "Now, what'd ya wanna see me about?" she cheerfully asks.

Tenpony Tower - Outside

Lucky shrugs. "Couriers deliver whatever needs to be delivered. Letters, weapons, information, knick-knacks, food, medical supplies... If a pony needs a specific item delivered to a specific location or individual, and it needs to be done reliably, they contact a Courier service," he explains.

And then she asks how much experience he has with clouds.

Lucky briefly recalls flying through the clouds to escape a wing of Talons, punching through the fluffy white softness, before emerging into a world of blinding light. And then what came afterwards.

He knows clouds are comfortable to lay on, at least, having been pinned down on one...

The stallion looks off to the side, and gives a small shrug. "Limited."