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    Jan 2010

    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    I haven't noticed a significant change w.r.t. calls vs. higher pick. People have been bitching at each other about that since time immemorial.

    Fair enough on the 3.5 balance point. I didn't think that one all the way through. To people who are still saying "AOE or AD carry or bust," do you really think that the people skilled enough to get through with a tryhard comp won't go back with Fizz? Do you think that these people won't start speed-clear competitions and the like? There's plenty of room for gameplay beyond the first time someone manages to clear the level, if it's done properly.

    I do strongly disagree with the idea that League is too big to fail, or that they have a huge amount of leeway to waste money (and more importantly, development time) on a massive side project unless it's likely to bring in major revenue. However, that just means they should test the waters first; it's not a reason not to do it at all.


    Anyway, the thing I was originally going to post was that I'm offering bot lane mentoring on a limited basis (only so many hours in the day). No charge or anything; then again, no guarantee of skill, either, considering I'm a scrub who couldn't even get plat.
    Last edited by Math_Mage; 2012-11-13 at 11:32 PM.