( I keep forgetting to reply, sorry)

Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
"And it also proves that it's too late to change things. Unless you want me to break into her place, take everything that isn't nailed down and hide it somewhere in the woods, but I doubt you'd approve of that." Night Jewel laughed.

"Anyway, my point is that you've got to deal with it now. You can't go running off to get killed. It's too late for that. What would really help is you sticking with us and helping fix things."
He sighs again
then walks again, leaning close to the wall, possibly having forgot what he was even doing there

Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
Aero continues walking until he leaves town and makes it to a hill with a large oak tree at the top. He climbs up the hill until he reaches the tree and sets down the picnic basket. Opening it up, he takes out the blanket and spreads it out and sets the basket on it.
Aisis would follow, when the blanket's spread out there, she just slowly approaches, unsure if sitting on it or what