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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw! Together!

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post


    Details? SHADING? What is this WITCHCRAFT?
    I agree with Madcrafter that it is nice!
    Nit pick and suggestion:
    For the highlights on the metal bits, have you considered using harder highlights, less air brushyness-type effect? You know, like how you did the white highlights on the eyes? Generally, the shinging things like eyes, wet things and shiny metal look better with harder highlights and a sharper contrast between the dark and light bits. Of course, all this is just a suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    Robo-Ky runs away.

    I had to look up ennui.

    I need to use this word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    ... but then I stopped caring.
    The story of my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madcrafter View Post
    I've been having trouble with mine in my right arm, I found that binding it so it stays straight when I sleep helps.
    I didn't bind it, but I have had to change my sleeping position to keep my right arm relatively straight and my elbow at rest. Granted, I might as the sleeping position is different enough that I tend to roll around in the night.

    The funny thing about the nerve injury was that for a while I was afraid it was something wrong with my carpal tunnel as the bottom of my right hand had was numb. I rested my wrists and hands but the sensation didn't go away. After a doctor visit turns out I must have hit my lower elbow at sometime as the doctor told me the nerve was injured there even though it felt fine besides a small prickly pain when a small spot on the nerve was poked.
    After starting to rest my upper elbow (which felt fine) feeling started to return to my hand.
    The whole event left me feeling extraordinary silly. Oh ye nerve problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madcrafter View Post
    Day 142:

    Part of the hanging our group leader brought back from his conference in China. This one actually does look better in real life, but it took me 24 pictures to even get it this close to focus. (And of course the actual print is amazing).
    Time: 50 minutes
    Music: Pony
    It does look nice, now I want to see the print...

    C-9, or "I colored something. Mission Accomplished."

    I tried to give myself 1 hour to color a doodle. This is the result. It isn't that good.


    More ponies in space, smuggling spice. Carrying crates, shooting guns. Scoot isn't going to shoot anyone like that and Applebloom is feeling guilty about unknowingly taking the safe caring position from Sweetie Belle. The colors are blargh, but I picked them with little second thoughts. The line work could be a lot cleaner too. And perhaps some different colors and not boring grey. Ok, there's a lot of things wrong with this doodle. Next time I guess.

    Oh yes, and the tails are indeed, tacked on as a after thought.
    Last edited by Bakuel; 2012-11-15 at 01:04 AM.