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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by Adumbration View Post
    Don't know the specifics of the mechanics, but here's what happened to me: in the middle of a teamfight (which we were winning) the screen froze like in a DC (you could still try clicking, but the champions just stood there) and it started trying to reconnect. At first I thought it was a problem with my internet, but after booting my connection it still did not connect. I exited the game and it threw me straight back into the front page of League client. No traces of the game - recently played summoners list, the games in my profile, Elo change - were to be found.

    It's as if the game never happened.
    Could be Riot serverside problem too. But there was the drophack going around that basically drops a game from the server; basically some type of a DDoS on the server I recall.

    Riot sorta mitigated it (so that it should only cause latency rather than dropping people), but this was what it did. So there's always the possibility that someone used it/modified version that still functions and it worked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
    This guy needs to be banned. I can understand if he did this in a custom game for the lols, but it looks like he did it in a normal/ranked game against players who were not expecting it. Insta-permaban right now!
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverraptor View Post
    Ah, so all 30 points in the Summoner spell cd reduction. Apparently that doesn't stop at the 40% mark. That explains everything.

    I remember when we were talking about a no cooldown on champion abilities. Everyone was picking Karthus or Mundo. And then I said "Tryndamiere" and won that discussion.
    No, you still had to qualify for it. Unfortunately 15*7 is 100% so yeah.

    100% Champ Cooldown reductions would have a few quite retarded options. Soraka is pretty bad (sit on spawn, spam no-cast time/no-cooldown Wish), Skarner would be retarded, Karthus would be stupid, etc.

    Curiously Trynd could still be killed by pulling him to spawn laser which ignores his ult. And with no CDR that wouldn't be very hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mephit View Post
    New support incoming! My wallet is developing a will of its own!

    Morello's being very vague so far, but she'll apparently be water-themed, and have a way to heal in combat. (Read: Morello's excited because it'll be a healer that won't be all about lane sustain but rather clutch heals in fights)
    Her pic:

    In before she has Urf's passive.
    Nami, huh? And a mermaid. *Insert random One Piece comment here*
    Last edited by Eldariel; 2012-11-15 at 01:55 PM.
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