Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post

"Woahhh no." He shakes his head vigorously, taking out an arrow and stabbing the pegasus in the eye with it like he's off-hoofedly making tea or something. "You stay right there until whatever juice you've got in you dissipates. If you have any medical equipment, use that too. And deep breaths. Deep breaths are good."

He runs towards Clod, Bonita, Silverpine and Gearstride with two more arrows already nocked. "And feel free to disregard all that if I'm about to die!" He shouts over his shoulder.

([Wooden Arrows Left: 2 (nocked) 5 (immediate)]
[Fire Arrows Left: 1 (immediate)])
At least Daniel had the decency to (presumably) turn him away from the fallen vampony. Sandy stayed upright, watching the bard run off to battle. He briefly considered lying down, but he feared something would surely rupture if he sat still. Plus, that struck him as an incredibly stupid move for the middle of a battle. "R-r-r-right. Deep breaths...deep breaths..." he repeated, sucking down air in a vain attempt to slow his breathing. So long as he just kept his gaze locked ahead, tried not to listen too hard for the sounds of battle and injury, and kept breathing, he could keep this under control, no sweat. Medical care would have to wait; Rainbow usually kept track of the first aid supplies. For now, just had to stand here and stay focused...stay focused...