Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
That could also be true. Which would mean Hollows eating Hollows is actually beneficial to Shinigami, as then they need to defeat less Hollows (plus the stronger ones don't go to the real world as often).
Not necessarily.

If a stronger Hollow only comes to the real world one-twentieth as often as a weak one, but is capable of doing thirty times more damage and is thirty times more likely to kill the poor sod who goes after it, I'm not sure that's a net benefit.

Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Yeah, i newer really understood where the idea that it was a weak Bankai came from either.
I suspect it has less to do with the Bankai and more to do with Captain Werewolf himself.

He's the only captain who routinely gets the crap kicked out of him, and frequently in situations that make him appear wildly less powerful than the other captains. In his first appearance, he and Tousen joined forces against Kenpachi and got trounced. Then he went up against Aizen and got one-shotted to show the situation was serious. Then he beat up a wimpy Arrancar, and then he got trounced by Tousen to show that the situation was serious. And then he got trounced by the Quincies to show that the situation was serious.

He just keeps getting Worf'd, over and over again.