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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Santa Monica, CA, US

    Default Re: League of Legends XL: Season on Hold 'til Morello gets Gold

    Quote Originally Posted by aethernox View Post
    'kay, I'll bite.

    I love itemization. Items are the best. It's seriously my favorite of the genre's core gameplay tenets. So it should go without saying that the shop interface is pretty important to me.

    • Who else worked on this project? You recently mentioned a collaboration with Xypherous, was that during this development or that of another project?
    • Totally expected the DFG rework, so I'm pretty pleased. I'll do my very best to resist the urge to re-up that image and spread it for sweet, sweet reddit link karma. nvm ;-;
    • How extensive is the search system? Does it work in the same way as the (currently broken, but that's another issuenvm, fixed last patch) custom game search function in that you can search strings and it'll show all relevant items that contain that string in their names/descriptions? Does it have a tag system? Can I search "slow" or "CC" and find Phage and Rylai's?

    tch. should probably have checked the 38 redposts before asking those, but w/e. maybe this is an excuse for you to go more in-depth.
    Xypherous, FeralPony, Boourns, LowPolyCount, Ponts, bigbadabruin, Brackhar, Samamayhem (I think that's hit red name...), Fruitstrike, and ... I don't know the red name of the other person.

    Xypherous and FeralPony being items themselves, the rest being Team Game UI.

    Team Game UI is split mostly from there further. For the itemshop itself it was about ~90 me on dev, ~9 on LowPolyCount for dev (he was mostly focused on the new HUD and doing other small features / being a features shield), and ~1 boourns on dev.
    Design is pretty openly split. Riot encourages tons of feedback and everyone has a voice, so it's difficult to really give a originator of ideas.

    And Joy2TheWorld for graphics.
    Last edited by Reinboom; 2012-11-15 at 06:58 PM.
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