Quote Originally Posted by Maugan Ra View Post
Could have had them show up in a dramatic 'here comes the cavalry' moment though, at least. Even if it was just one or two of them, having them arrive into the middle of a fierce battle by what appears to basically be drop-pod to turn the tide against the enemy... that would have been cool.

Instead, these five soldiers, who are apparently the equal of all Thirteen Divisions by themselves (despite apparently having had no direct combat experience in the past few millennia) wait until after the fighting is over to show up. You know, after the casualties are in the quadruple digits and the Captain-Commander is dead and most of Seireitei is a smoking ruin. This doesn't look like reinforcements or a group of heroic badasses showing up to save the day - it looks far more like a bunch of sequestered layabouts finally getting off their backsides and getting involved only when it's clear they have absolutely no other choice.

I, for one, am hoping that someone rips into them over this. Maybe even Mayuri - he seemed irritated enough by the prospect of their arrival.
To be fair, that's pretty much how military works. You don't see "oh, these guys are losing" and send your forces in. Your forces are where they are for a reason, after all. Division Zero was defending the Soul King. What if they went in to help and the whole attack on Soul Society was a feint? What if the true attack force was aimed at the Soul King?
Their mission is to protect the King. Going down to help Soul Society would be abandoning their mission.