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    Spamalot in the Playground
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    May 2008
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: My Little Pony LVI:S Has Left the Playground!

    Empress Trixie’s “How to Win Friends and Conquer the Rest” in GalCiv2:

    Dear Princess Luna,

    The wars against both the Jagged Knife and Resembool empires are very much in our favor. Our Unicorns scientists have recently completed research on miniaturizing Warp Drive technology to the point that it can fit on a Thanqol fighter craft. I can now literally “Zerg Rush” my enemies with swarms of really fast, cheap ships. Jagged Knife shipping lanes are effectively blockaded and their government will likely go bankrupt within a year.
    Assuming I don't bomb them back to the stone age before then.

    On the larger side of the scale, I’ve upgraded two battleships with better defenses against the Jagged Knife’s new weapon of choice (missiles). The Celestia and Cadence are now able to block nearly 75% of their missiles with improved Chaff while still employing a significant counter using our tried-and-true Phasor weapons.

    In peaceful news, the Space Elves' citizens are so enamored with the Unicorn culture that three of their planets secede to our side! They're not spectacular planets, but they are tax paying citizens.

    I would like to take a moment now and congratulate planet Twilight for completing our latest battleship: the Zecora!
    This evil enchantress is the fastest battleship we’ve designed (8 Parsec/Week) and sports the highest damage rating yet at 72 points (For comparison, our current battleships average a 36 damage rating while our most experienced battleship, Discord, sports a hefty 41).

    The Zecora is currently leading a fleet with battleship Discord, two frigates (Rarijack & Flutterdash), a dozen speedier Mk. II Thanqol fighters, and four troop transports. The fleet is but two turns away from Resembool’s homeworld. Resembool won’t last 3 turns. Last Turn the Resembool leader called me up and asked me to sign a peace treaty. It took me an hour to stop laughing. I think I forgot to put the call on mute too.
    If ponies are about love & tolerance, we’re about to rename their homeworld Care-a-Lot!

    Your Great & Powerful Student,
    Trixie Lulamoon.
    Last edited by DigoDragon; 2012-11-16 at 12:41 PM.
    Digo Dragon - Artist
    D&D 5e Homebrew: My Little Pony Races