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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Things I May No Longer Do While Playing IV: The Decanter of Endless Bad Ideas

    * May not use 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' in place of a Perform: Dance check.
    * May not use 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' in place of a Diplomacy check.
    * May not use 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' in place of a Survival check,
    * May not use 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' in place of a Haggle check.
    ** Okay, 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' *might* work in place of an Intimidation check.
    *** Using 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' in place of a Seduction check is right out.
    **** If I have to ask 'Why not?', the DM does not have to explain it to me.

    * 'Weapon Proficiency: Knife' is not the only skill that I will ever need.

    * Not allowed to build a character concept entirely around a section of the rules that the DM does not quite understand.
    ** Especially if I know exactly how they work, and work well. See also: Grappling in WFRP, or Grappling in Savage Worlds, or Grappling in SLA Industries, or Grappling in Dark Heresy, or Grappling in Ironclaw, or Grappling in V:tM, or Grappling in Feng Shui, or.....
    ** No grappling, ever.
    Last edited by Wraith; 2012-11-16 at 05:34 PM.
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