Quote Originally Posted by Con_Brio1993 View Post
I am currently in a relatively low-mid op campaign. Everyone is around level 3-4 and my Druid died so I now want to make a level 3 bard. The DM expects the campaign to get to level 8-10, and perhaps more if there is enough continued player interest.

The party composition right now varies. But we have: Fighter, Rouge/Cleric, Sorcerer (temporary Cleric due to ingame shenanigans), and a Monk. The Fighter is more Archer based it seems, so I was planning a more melee oriented bard.

For stats I rolled: 12/12/14/14/16/17.

I put the 16 in INT because I absolutely need skill points for role playing reasons.

Any suggestions for general feat chains, and which spells to select? The only spell I must take is Magic Mouth.

Any and all help appreciated.
I like the flair of a bard that duel wields a rapier and a whip. a trippy build mayhaps?