Quote Originally Posted by Anyr View Post
The boy did not attempt to bar Yua's passage. Thanks to her power, he wasn't even surprised by the sudden appearance of a screaming person right in front of him. By the time he realised what had just happened, she would already have made it past him. Even then, he would not follow. Only death waited beyond that door.

With just a single step, Nakamura Yua crossed into hell. Every one of her senses was instantly assaulted by the new world in which she now stood. Her ears pounded with horrendous sounds which had first prompted her to take this rash course, no longer muffled or distant; Every breath of air was filled to bursting with the smell of fresh blood; Her feet brushed against soft, bulky and unmistakable shapes which littered the floor, unmoving; And before her eyes, people died. Whether by means of bullet, blade or bare hands, every person in this room was utterly devoted to the destruction of all others. No matter where she looked, Yua's gaze would find only the dead and the dying. And with each passing second, she grew ever more likely to become a target herself.
Death. Seeing the mayhem and terror all around, Yua stops. Staring it complete shock at the unreal scene. Mouth opening and closing, but little sound escaping.

As a wayward projectile blinks by, narrowly missing Yua, the unseen Esper steps forward. Protected from the minds of those around by Awareness Control, Yua weakly raises a hand toward the nearest combatant.


But even if the sound of battle had not droned out the whisper, the combatants are no more likely to notice Yua than they would a fly.