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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan, Mk. XLVII: A Flat World From Recycled Scrap

    So, as has been noted a few times, Mookie comes up with plot points on the basis of "This thing is in a work people like, so of course it's going to be great if I throw it in!".

    Meanwhile, multilis' usual defense of the comic is "Dominic Deegan shouldn't be criticized for this thing because it's (sort of) in a work people like."

    I wonder...

    Quote Originally Posted by T-O-E View Post
    The comic that goes with the newspost mentions "emergency equipment." What does that entail? A couple of scrolls? Some kind of electric guitar powered defibrillator?
    Make an image search for hospital emergency equipment, take one of the top results that doesn't look too complex, and imagine it drawn by Mookie, and possibly with a small but crucial part missing.

    I give it pretty good odds that Szark or Bronto will die, possibly sacrificing themselves. Homophobia is insidious.
    I've been waiting for Szark to sacrifice himself pretty much ever since I started reading the comic a few years ago. I think it would be Bronto, though, simply because I can't see Mookie kill of another member of the extended main cast before the final battle.
    EDIT: Would be interesting if the two dead Team Deegan members (apart from some guys that got like 10 lines before this arc) ended up being the black one and the gay one, though.

    Also, since it came up, I always thought Dominic Deegan was a horrible webcomic.
    I mean, a lot of the plot holes will pretty much fly by you when you click yourself through the archives, yeah. But still, you've got your nerd wish fulfillment fantasy with the obvious author self-insert living in a town full of horrible and stupid jocks that shun him because he reads and is smart and amazing while they are horrible, stupid, and also jocks.
    Then he gets his love interest (who makes his bed smell like girl), which he saves from herself because that way he can live out the good old white knight fantasy while still showing what a smart and sensitive man he is. Awesome! Also not at all sexist, especially because his girlfriend is a brilliant wizard herself, although of course maybe not quite as brilliant as he is.

    And it goes without saying that the protagonist has some super special abilities and it just so happens that he is the only one who can save the world from burning to the ground and of course does so even though it does not deserve one such as him, to the point of being promoted to official Chosen One status within a few years of the comic's run.

    Now, obviously, most of the above has gotten a lot less prominent over time, as Mookie got older, wiser, into a healthy relationship, over high school, etc., but it's still there and what makes me despise early Dominic Deegan - this whole self-absorbed escapist fantasy of the heroic nerd doing hero things the nerd way in a world he is constantly busy saving (so the readers can feel good) even though it is populated largely by undeserving imbeciles (so the readers can feel better).

    It's Twilight for people that cosplay as anime characters.
    Last edited by Johnny Blade; 2012-11-17 at 05:27 PM.