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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Coid's Crowing Conundrum of a Canticle of Crookedly Random Banter #185

    By Jove, I'm rewatching The X Files while I organize some paperwork, and I just got to the episode with David Duchovny in a red speedo.

    We're going to need some smelling salts over here please.

    Quote Originally Posted by AllIHaveIsCrunk View Post
    Doesn't look especially sad to me. I've never been good at reading the emotions of birds, though, so I'll have to take your word for it.

    In any case, let's see if I can't Heimlich the drama from you and clear the path for some light and breezy, nice and easy early morning talk show conversing. You'll have to pick a subject, though. I tend to have dreadful luck starting conversations. I usually get arrested.
    Though I know you not well, Crunkled, I appreciate your shapely words. Tell me about some material object after which you lust. I like to hear about aesthetic desire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
    49 tabs and Firefox is draining crazy amounts of CPU. Also, it's half past 2 in the morning, so I suppose it's time for both me and Firefox to go to sleep. Good night everyone!
    *moves pointer towards red X*
    Goodnight, Teddifer.

    I am contacting the budgie agent in your area: here is his portrait. He will be carrying a pink plum blossom so you know he is not an imposter.

    His clear and gentle tweeting will soothe and replenish your taxed mind while you rest [he likes scratches on the top of his head and sunflower seeds].

    I owe some replies to my esteemed dialogists, but I cannot bear to read the last few pages back until my own head is a little less tender.
    Last edited by Kneenibble; 2012-11-17 at 09:48 PM.