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    Titan in the Playground
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    Jun 2005

    Default Re: My Little Pony LVI:S Has Left the Playground!

    Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
    exactly...for example where i am one gets called Mamaw and one gets called Memaw
    some places ints Grammy and Granny
    Not really a spoiler, but not much pony either
    Where I'm from we say (literally translated) MomMom and DadMom for our granny on mother's and father's side respectively. Likewise MomDad and DadDad for our grandfathers.

    And then what corresponds to Granny (or Grandmother/father) is used for out Great Grandparents instead. And in fact we have four words for that as well, (again literally) BestMom/Dad or OldMom/Dad. Which one you prefer is a matter of taste, for example my granny on my father's side would give my niece a very evil look if she used the latter.

    All of this always kinda made it tricky for me to deal with the English words, because when someone says Granny (or some equivalent word) I automatically think one step older, to what would actually be Great Granny. I always have to remind myself that you have way too few words in English, at least in this small area

    Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
    Responding to spoilers with non-spoilery content.

    Pinkie has been seen to break the laws of physics and get responses from ponies as well. Just off the top of my head, we have Pinkie popping out of potted plants (Green Isn't Your Color), Pinkie outrunning the fastest flier in Equestria (Griffon the Brush-Off), Pinkie hijacking Twilight's teleport spell (Return of Harmony), PinkieEyes popping through brick walls and keyholes (A Friend in Deed), and probably several others.

    At this point, we'd either need to declare Pinkie simply possessing indescribable reality-altering powers, or just treat is as visual gags for the audience that were not meant to be taken seriously. I'm a bit more inclined to take the second option, as there is far too much silly in Equestria to take the whole setting at face value. (Besides, it's more fun that way. )
    None of your examples are acknowledged by the other ponies. They are at best reacted to, but we don't know how the other ponies actually experience it.

    Pinkie jumping out of potted plant: We don't hear anypony say "How did you fit in that potted plant, Pinkie?" We at most see them looking at her as she jumps out. What do they see (as opposed to what we see)? Maybe they see a silly pony hiding behind a potted plant, which would be silly and maybe they wonder how she got there without them noticing, but that's just Pinkie being stealthy (or them not paying attention) and doesn't defy any reality.

    Pinkie outrunning Dash: We never hear Dash say "how the buck can you outrun ME?!" or the like. From Dash's perspective, as opposed to ours, this is most likely what it looks like: No matter where she hides, Pinkie eventually finds her because Pinkie knows Ponyville like the back of her hoof and she probably plays hide and seek waaaaaay too much, so she knows all the hiding places waaaaay better than Dash.

    Pinkie hijacking teleport: We don't hear Twilight ask how it happened, and she doesn't even look at all surprised beyond the initial shock. Maybe Pinkie simply got in the way of Twilight's targeting, or targeting works on the principle of what you think of at the very moment the spell is cast, and Pinkie's sudden appearance made Twilight think of her for a split second ... or whatever other explanation. We don't know how magic works, in other words.

    PinkieEyes and Stuff: Again, nopony asks about it, and what they see is most likely completely mundane (if utterly silly because it's Pinkie).

    That's what I'm talking about.

    The difference here being that Dash actually does ask, "Pinkie, how the hay did you do that!" right after seeing her defy reality by slowing her fall.

    I suppose we could imagine that Dash saw something slightly different than we did (maybe Pinkie didn't actually slow down, but just did a very professional dive with very little splash), but it's getting pretty hard to justify compared to previous stuff. Personally I'm going to simply ignore this one instance and continue on as before, because this was probably just slip by the writers and hopefully it won't happen again.
    Last edited by Deadly; 2012-11-18 at 06:21 AM.