Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Fox felt a little overwhelmed by all the support, it kinda spooked him that he drew a hoof to his chest. He did appreciate it though. Though now it really embarrassing, especially with what he was to admit. No not embarrassing, shameful, he felt shameful about himself.

"I...my ex is here...in town...and...I may not be one hundred percent over her. And there was a letter involved...... one I kept a secret from Miss Icy. I wanted to tell her, but I was a coward. Well anyway, I told her about the letter. Didn't tell her what was in it and admitted that a small part of me, still had...feelings...for..my ex, Quick Step.."
He let out and stared at his hoof that started to shake. It didn't feel completely good to let it all out the way its said to be. He sniffled.
"So how did that... Oh. Oh."

Night Jewel nodded. "That was clumsy of you, but I can understand why you'd do that. I'm keeping some uncomfortable secrets myself right now, and it's not easy to lose your feelings about a pony completely.

"Well, there's still hope to salvage the situation. Don't give up yet. You do care about Icy enough to keep going, don't you?"