Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
why would the murderous monster STOP killing student wizards?
I think that is a bit uncalled for.

Here is a timeline:
Sometime in the (no so distant) past he makes a deal with a demon for power.
Sometime in the (even less distant) past he regrets it.
He researches and seeks a cure with his friend.
He is stopped for no obvious reason other then the bigotry of someone who was not willing to allow him to escape his mistake, is banished to hell and losses his friend.
He battles through hell to earn his freedom.
He is offered a deal freedom for revenge.
He takes the deal (not particularly heroic but who can blame him).
He hunts for his target and finds a school, he offers a peaceful resolution and is refused.
When someone sees sense he leaves without continuing the damage (pity no-one thought if it earlier).
He tries to fulfil his bargain in a speedy manner.
He is stopped and shown that he is free already, yet for some reason he still wants revenge on the person that had him sent to hell and also seemed to have removed his friend from existence.
He is removed from existence.
He makes a new friend.
He gets out and works to free his new pal.

While not a hero he has some positive and likeable qualities, loyalty, respect for freedom, holds to his word, rational, pragmatic, willing to see both sides of an argument.

Possibly the greatest character in the story.