Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
[Advanced Vampony Fracas]

Zippity Do glanced at Silverpine and then at the pillar with the brewing storm. She glowered, or rather glowered some more. "Bonita, desist with your stupid thunderhead or so help me I'll pierce your heart with the stake from your husband's head."

All she got was a thunderbolt from the rumbling thunderhead, and Silverpine got one directed at him because he was there. Zippity Do zipped *read hopped* to the side as the bolt hit the ground kicking up rock and debris and leaving a scorch mark. Silverpine should dodge, and also the temple rumbled dangerously again.

At the same time Sandy went crazy again. The vampony was actually trying to tactically retreat rather than drain the life of Rainbow, that would have come later. But the vampony earth mare was no good with funky shrapnel-tized legs. The vampony earth mare, on the ground, rolled and flopped herself out of Sandy's path only taking minor flesh wounds. There was an unmistakable sound of a sigh.

ALSO at the same Daniel goes crazy too in a special way. There must be something in the temple air, maybe it was all the new smell of ozone from Miss Bonita's brewing thunderhead. Anyways, however, Daniel comes off as hostile to the vamponies as Rainbow didn't leave a good impression herself. Three jump to protect Honor Guard with a look of determination in their eyes.

Miss M, Zephyr, and Gearstride are all confused here, like Benson, but heeeey.
Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post

He skids to a stop and closes his eyes. "I can alter the laws of the universe. Brute force is going to end up tearing him in half, but I can set it on the mend. Please don't tell me I need a Daring Ploy just to administer healing."

"...Huh. That was oddly coherent. Go me." If anything he looks even worse than he did when he was a gibbering mess, but apparently some wacky dreamspace hijinks injected him with liquid determination or something.

(tl;dr - Diplomacy check!)
Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

The mare sees something blue. Her vision is too blurry from pain to deal with looking at stuff.
Silverpine duly dodged the incoming bolt, having already half-expected some sort of retaliation.

"I think what our spoony bard was trying to say is that we mean no harm." Silverpine got up and sidled closer to the one called Zippity Doo. "You'll forgive us if we're a little wary. We just plowed through like two dozens of your kind and all of them seemed inclined to see us six feet under." He waved again at Bonita's small storm-like thing. "Just... take care of her or something, and maybe we can talk." He shouted at Sandy and Daniel, "You two. Stand down! We don't need another bloodbath on our hooves."

Flameshield raised an eyebrow at the small colt. "Well, since I don't either. I guess you're going back with me back to the guard house."