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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Bridle Shores 90210-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XIII

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

    In Rainbow's bag, Sandy will find what Amish mentions. Bandages, medicines, and tape for binding wounds. Spare bowstrings, levers, and wooden parts for crossbow repair. A screwdriver for calibrations. Extra scopes. . And of course...

    ...a bottle of whiskey. She has a problem you know.

    As for her mane, there is a syringe of painkillers. Another of that garlic based poison. And a granola bar in case she got hungry. The poking, licking, and nuzzling feel good until the movement shifts her body and agitates her wound. "Sandy. I'm fine. Are you wounded. I need.. the status.." the sniper whispers.

    The soothing songs of Daniel closes his wounds with scabs and dulls some sensation. The tiny bit of relief give her a fool's confidence as Rainbow tries to stand but fails. The slip up sucks air through her clenched teeth. "Injury report."
    Sandy cocked his head at her. Injuries? He had no injuries. She had injuries. He felt perfectly healthy. Better than healthy. She was the one who needed fixing, not him. The motion of his head sent drops of blood from the forehead gash scattering, some falling on the sniper's catsuit.

    He nosed forward the pile of stuff fetched from her bag and bangs, nudging it in front of her face. Now she could take the fixing thing, fix herself, and she would be good again. He nudged her uninjured foreleg towards the pile, whining expectantly...

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
    Advanced Vampony Fracas

    [Miss M/Sandy and by default, Rainbow]

    Miss M carefully approached Sandy keeping within a safe distance from where he likely assumed his territory. "Mister Sandy...please...take control of yourself, this beastly creature isn't you."
    She suddenly found herself facing down Sandy, his hackles raised beneath his bite-guard. The drugged pony snarled and gnashed his teeth at the intruder, his injured foreleg pawing the ground as if preparing to charge. Should she keep advancing, his weapons would rise to his aid, slashing and stabbing the air in front of him.

    [tldr: Sandy completely ignores Rainbow's plea for an injury report, instead motioning that she should do something with the stuff he got from her bag and hair. He stops to stare down Miss M, threatening her with violence if she should get too close to Rainbow.]

    (OOC: Technically speaking, Gear and Zephyr were over by the two vamponies who are recovering. Also technically speaking, blood is super-groady, so it's understandable she may not notice. Thirdly technically speaking, the pegasus had an additional arrow in her eye. Significantly worse than the knee.)
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2012-11-22 at 08:40 AM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.