The problem is, Charge is what I used to not be dead. So it boiled down to, one network hiccup in a moderately tight spot and I was dead and glitched before I'd even stopped moving. With broadband round here being what it is? Once per match minimum, like clockwork.

And I don't really see roles as being important to the classes themselves as such. Kind of, All Vanguards should be Biotic, Most Vanguards should be charging melee nutcases. Difference in emphasis. There's room for nontraditional roles where there isn't for basic powersource.

Also, Havoc seems to me to have at least two combat powers (jetpack charge and stim-packs). Arguably Cryo Blast is a tech power, unless it's specifically fluffed as a cryo-blast-launcher or something (no fluff on the wiki), but 2/3+ combat is close enough to count as a soldier for me.

At a basic level, I think it boils down to the idea that you contend that the ME1 Vanguard was a failure in some way. I simply do not agree with this basic assumption, so of course my conclusion will differ.

As for Geth Adepts, it's simply a case of there not being any (as far as I know). Some races simply do not excell at all possible roles. Some lack the qualifications to even try.
No Geth Adepts* for you, Siuis.

*Ending Related
If the canon ending for the next game turns out to be green, all bets are off, of course.