Yeah...ToB's writing has some issues.

I actually kinda like the Five, but they don't get enough screentime. And Melissan is dumb and everyone figures her whole scheme out by the end of Saradush. They should have just dropped her and made it the Five against you (Maybe Gromnir, Balthazar, or some other allies, if you can convince them...maybe.) with the big showdown in Hell being between you and the last surviving one of them.

I also liked some of the companions, despite the generally lower quality of the writing. But they should have done more with Imoen and Sarevok. Imoen just gets some banters to show off her character but no real personal growth while Sarevok is the total opposite in this regard, so they're both pretty one-sided.

Well, at least the battles are fun.

Also, presented without comment, a screenshot from my earlier (failed) first attack at the Bandit Camp.
