Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
But seriously, forced movement, silence or stun (turns off ult zone) and dodge Q and the bird loses a ton of potency. Or you can just run Ori or an assassin mid.
Forced movement... silence or stun... and dodge her skill shots.

How do you beat Caitlyn?
Forced movement
Dodge her Skill Shots (less important, but still there)

How do you beat ryze?
Forced Movement
Silence or Stun
Doge his ... oh nvm... but yeah

How do you beat Kass?
Forced Movement
Silence AND Stun (because I hate kass )
Dodge his... R? I dunno, doesn't really have "skill shots"

Like I'm just saying... Silencing destroys any hero who relies on constantly spamming or channeling certain spells: Karthus and Vlad come to mind. CC is good against all heroes, not Anivia specifically. She doesn't have a passive that makes CC MORE effective against her. Its only arguably "more" effective because she has no "escapes" which is true, because in teamfight egg isn't necessarily the best thing in the world. It is basically a free GA though... so there is that.

Dodging her Q does sound important, since the basis of her entire combo kinda is based on it. But to say its as simple as "dodging" her skill shots isn't entirely true. Anivia is the queen of Forced Movement, and with a good R+Wall she can force you to flash or get stunned and take tons of damage.

Finally: It is VERY important to be able to compare heroes to other heroes, using even similar builds. While yes, many heroes use different builds and have different playstyles, there are some heroes which preform similar roles. Both Lux and Anivia are traditionally AP middle heroes, neither of them are very good at Top/Jungle and their support isn't the greatest (apparently Lux support is viable. Anivia support might be fun). When it becomes apparent Anivia can build a warmogs and still outburst a burst mage built to be a burst mage, then I would argue Anivia's numbers should be looked at.