Advanced Vampony Fracas

Miss M rolled her eyes at Sandy's chihuahua antics that they threatened to roll out, figuratively speaking. Now had it been Zephyr, maybe not so figuratively. She then telekinetically took away his toys and bones knives and stakes the moment he put them down. She felt he really wasn't in the right mindset to be playing with pointy objects. She growled back at him and narrowed her eyes. "No. Bad Sandy." She needed a rolled up copy of Sunday's paper.

At least at the moment Rainbow seemed to have reeled him in to relative normalcy.


"What then? You yourself robbed banks at gun point for kicks and shot folks in the process? I see, you're wanted for armed robbery as well."
She replied stomping Bonita for a second. One got the feeling that they wanted to do that for some time.


It was anticipated and she knew it was unavoidable, her own reflexes betraying her. But she had her plan. She let herself get stuck with the knife and hearing Zephyr come at her. She pulled the knife out in mid jump her body igniting in that spot and threw the knife at Zephyr hitting him in the chest as he ignited as well and missed hitting her entirely. She rolled away to stop drop and roll to quell the flames.

{Orzel, I'll get to the ember/lochbed/aubade/heavy ale stuff later tonight, I don't have enough time right now to reply to that stuff since I have to be away from my laptop for some time.}