Quote Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
Still, a very lovely walk in my opinion. It's such a shame I can't share it in greater detail with the distinguished Kneenibble. If you ever come over on a cold and grey autumn day, I promise I'll show you all the best bird spotting grounds in the neighbourhood. And then we can go inside and warm ourselves on a warm cup of glögg.

Man I'd never thought I'd suddenly get such a strong craving for glögg. It must be due to a mix of equal parts excitement and penned up frustration, all caused by expectations on the already long overdue arrival of the winter. Oh well, the julmust season is already here, so at least I've got something to live for.
What is this glögg that you speak of? It sounds rather good.

Quote Originally Posted by Socratov View Post
That in itself is pretty solid general advice
Lies and slander! And, thanks.

Okay, guys. Time to be impulsive, paranoid, bacon-lovers!

Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
1) He just definitely agreed. I'm kind of in shock.

2) I trust him a lot, so don't worry. If anything goes wrong, my roommate is always here for help (has known this ex, they went to high school together and were a part of the same clique) (also, am I the only one who thinks clique should be said as 'clicky'? It just sounds right..)

3) /chuckles I love bacon. Even better when a mate of mine cooks it. So good. *drools* Damn you!
It's a weird word, right? "Clique" I had no idea how to pronounce it when I first saw it.