Ah, thanks.

Quote Originally Posted by Starsign View Post
I've never actually touched a Sorcerer before, so I'm unsure of the difference. Is it something like how a Wizard and Sorcerer differs in 3.5e or is the dynamic between a Sorcerer and Mage in AD&D 2e very different than what it was in later editions?
A) No human DM you can try to push your broken interpretation of spells to; B) All spells allowing you to break them were deleted; C) Ditto for any free form spells; D) Which means pool of spells is much narrower, good spells each level easy to identify, evocation often has best spells, spell spamming wins encounters, re-casting all spells being tedious, all of this being Sorcerer's strengths.

And to be fair, most Sorcerer << Wizard in 3.5 is BS assuming Wizard is actually Schrödinger's Wizard, always having 24 hours to prepare with spell reshuffle, and all the right spells, no matter what the actual time constrains of adventure are.