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Thread: The Singularity

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Singularity

    But answer the question: How do you justify demanding immediate action over climate change problems that may not hit home for decades, yet dismiss concerns over genetics, robotics and nanotech as impossibly far-fetched? I support immediate action on climate change. I believe projections on the subject are entirely plausible. I'm just not willingly blinding myself to equally plausible disaster scenarios associated with GNR research.
    You're assuming your 'equally plausible' conclusion. The justification is simple; Climate Change isn't speculative, particularly since the damage done is actually harsher than the worst projections. Its a thing we know exists, right now, and requires immediate action to stop. And you posit I should give it equal weight to problems with technologies that aren't a gleam in our collective eyes because?

    And don't attempt to claim that real marketbots, or extant discrimination (both bad, but neither apocalytic) are things you were talking about 2 or 3 pages ago. Y'all were talking about averting robot rebellions and discrimination based on super science. Plausible, in the long run. But far from immediate.
    Last edited by RPGuru1331; 2012-11-25 at 04:47 AM.
    Asok: Shouldn't we actually be working?
    And then Asok was thrown out of the car.