Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post

Naturally. I have to state that in my humble opinion, a chimerism of a pony, a dragon and a puppy wouldn't work out artistically.
And there actually is a difference between a pony and a tiny horse. But I'm too lazy to explain.
Awesome it is.
I agree with your opinion there - I'm just not sure where the pony would fit in.
While I do realize that there is a difference between a pony and I tiny horse, that difference is irrelevant to my everyday life and/or interaction with either.

Quote Originally Posted by Amidus Drexel View Post
Cool. *waits somewhere between patiently and eagerly*

Shorts and sandals are silly things. But otherwise, ya, that sounds about right.

They're in Turkey, of course they're turkish plates. (And if I'm remembering where the Grand Bazaar is correctly, they're in Istanbul)

ION: My sister is learning how to drive. As much as I enjoy being home, having her drive the family places is... scary at best. That was not an enjoyable ride back from dinner....
Yeah, my friend Henry (that may or may not be his real name) will walk two miles through a foot of snow in sandals. He's a madman.

I've been in that spot, with siblings learning to drive. I know it's terrifying at first, but trust me: it gets better.