Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
That is, frankly, a stupid argument. Soldiers, infiltrators, sentinels, engineers and vanguards get area powers, so adepts must fail at their niche. Adepts and engineers (prime casters) can carry guns, so there's no reason for a soldier class.
You hit more upon why I don't think this whole idea of defining classes by certain abilities works with what we have - it only works if you keep that ability unique to that class, which, except for Tactical Cloak and Biotic Charge, they haven't done (and even Charge now has Havoc Strike as a counterpart). It's why I say they've basically dispensed with the class system at this point - there's so much overlap that any attempt to define each class has begun to lose meaning, because you can probably find something that fits the definition in another class too (again, except if you define Infiltrators and Vanguards solely by the fact that they have Tactical Cloak and Biotic Charge).

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
No, broad overlap does not invalidate that this is the prime factor of the entire branch of character load-outs, even if it is a secondary or tertiary factor for other load outs.
How are those abilities a "prime factor" to the Sentinels but not to the others? They're the same ability on each class, so it's not like the Sentinel versions are more powerful. Nor do the Sentinels have more defensive abilities per character than their counterparts in other classes (save for the Volus alone).

Can you really tell me that the Vorcha Sentinel is in some inherent way a more defensive character than the Vorcha Soldier or Hunter? Or the Krogan Sentinel vs Soldier, or the Batarians? And how could the Human Sentinel be more defensive than a Krogan or Batarian Soldier or Vanguard, who enjoy the same DR as they do but with much more built-in health? And heck, the Vanguards can even heal on top of it.

Yeah, I'm really not seeing this one my friend.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Ah. Those moments are what AF is for, personally. Multiple detonations in seconds against a target that can't do much about it. even banshees get drained before they become a threat since the damage effect sops their jumping, and the jumping can actually re-prime them before it stops for multiple detonations.
Personally, I've found getting that close to big targets too risky as the Fury. Primes will shoot me for a chain-stagger while their drone/turret finish me off, and the others carry the risk of instant-kill. Plus their shields usually drop fast anyway, and once they're gone Drain doesn't have anything to feed me anymore. So I just play it safe with exactly what Farix suggested - Dark Channel -> Throw, repeat.
