Quote Originally Posted by ThiagoMartell View Post
I agree, but then again I think balance should get back to WoW and stay there forever. I enjoy the idea that the ability to break the laws of physics through sheer willpower is more powerful than swinging a blade down very hard.
I usually play fighter-types and I simply love when I get to defeat a spellcaster through guile and skill, not because someone decided blade and magic should be 'balanced' in the worst ways possible.
I know this sounds a bit like a rant, but my desired 'balance' is something like AD&D did. Magic is more powerful than swords, plain and simple. But magic is dangerous to use. I know they are not going to do this in D&D Next, thought, so I shouldn't be ranting. *shrugs*
You see, this would be the way to make sure I never even give Next a glance. I want Fighters and the like to perform extraortinary feats of martial might - not just "swing a sword really hard."

I'm pretty bored with the Tyrrany of Magic - wherein non-spellcasters are forced to operate within a rather constrained, mother-may-I rule set without fiat capabilities ... and spellcasters more or less operate entirely via player fiat and where there are no actual rules of magic, only an ever-expanding list of spells.

You can go ahead and call this "balance" as if it's some sort of dirty word to describe this if you want, but if Next doesn't make warrior-types as awesome in their own way as wizards and clerics are in theirs, I'm simply not interested.
