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Thread: [Changeling] A Gathering of Mists IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Changeling] A Gathering of Mists IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

    She took the drink because it'd be a shame if it got broken.
    Chance die to see if Stephanie gets hurt (1d10)[1]
    [edit: Oh this is fun.]

    As Stephanie picks up the drink, the entirety of the bar shelf goes toppling towards her after it. The beast seems to have overestimated his strength just a tad, however. The shelf itself snaps and breaks into several splinters, it's center of mass not able to bear its own weight. Stephanie ducks and weaves around these effortlessly. Indeed, she's surprised by how slow they seem, she's practically matrix dodging it's so easy.

    The bison, meanwhile, apparently forgot that he had horns. Well, he didn't forget anymore because there's a 2x4 stuck to his head that's blinding him. And since he can't see well and he just flipped a table, Newton's third law got to set to work, causing him to lose his balance backwards.

    Have you ever seen a soaking wet dog that's rolled around in a mud puddle? Imagine that, but reeking of an ideal mix of brandy, vodka, and tequila, and with a now 2x2 piece of board still stuck to its horn at a lopsided angle, and that's about what you're looking at. Only, you know, 5 times larger and roaring like a pride of lions.

    Rocky, unfazed, puts on his next song.

    Charlotte is just outside the disaster zone and Stephanie isn't, but she's entirely unscathed and even managed to sip her drink during the storm of splinters and alcohol.
    Last edited by Anarion; 2012-11-30 at 12:58 AM.
    School Fox by Atlur

    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Anarion's right on the money here.

    "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
    Oscar Wilde Writer & Poet (1891)