Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
Regarding Energy: I was just making sure I understood that it was the same as ninja's energy as opposed to some champ-specific resource.

Oh, glancing over the original concept again, I notice you talk about him using hextech stuff. That seems an odd choice since hextech is a hybrid of magic and tech, from my understanding.

AP -> AD conversion might be balanced with a smaller than 1:1 ratio, though it does have a LOT of edge cases to be checked - AP item effects have been balanced with the assumption they're not available to AD champs unless they go way out of their way for them. Not sure off-hand if any of these could cause issues, but it's possible. Also needs to be decided whether Deathcap has any effect or not (is the 30% added pre-AP conversion?)

The other part of the passive I just think is a big no.
1) I don't think offering Malphite as a counterexample is that valid. Saying, "Look, this champ is poorly designed, too" doesn't really excuse using poor design. Malphite in particular is a very early champion from before Riot learned a few design lessons. It's also notable that he has some secondary scaling from stacking armor, but it's not super impressive (0.3 ratio on one skill). He does shut down auto-attackers pretty hard, but that's a smaller percentage of the champ pool and they can build ArPen to still do *something* to him. You've essentially set out to say, "I want this champ to COMPLETELY HARD COUNTER 50% of champions (AP/magic champions)". That's a HORRIBLE goal, in my opinion.
2) "Well, they can pick up armor pen. Twitch does." Yes, but Twitch is an AD champion. He has armor pen itemization items. There are zero AP armor pen items. There are zero defensive armor pen items. Could they pick up, for example, Last Whisper? Yes. But that's 2300 gold and an item slot that does NOTHING for them except give them some penetration against ONE CHAMPION. AD champs get the penetration on *all* champions, plus 40 AD that they actually use. Yes, mages get that, but they have zero ratios and don't even auto-attack much at all. Also, the items that build into it are literally worthless for mages.
3) The doubled up scaling actually makes him stupidly tanky against AD champs, too. One, because it makes stacking armor and only armor suddenly a completely valid tactic. Two because there are suddenly more big-ticket armor items around. Combine the two and this guy's gonna constantly have 400 resists that apply to all incoming damage. That's, quite frankly, stupid. You can kinda negate the second part by not having a 1:1 ratio, but still... I'm going to pick up Randuin's/Thornmail and GA and laugh as no one can kill me.

As for changing E/R (That's how I think of abilities, so I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with it :-P).... hrm...

Maybe have E apply a debuff called 'Arcane Lock/Leak' that lasts a few seconds and increases the resource cost of the first ability used by a percentage, or does damage if they cast an ability. There's a bit of burden of knowledge, but proper graphics should help negate that, plus it's not the sort of burden of knowledge that just suddenly kills you. It's something you'll learn during lane and then know about.

For the ultimate... Not sure. I'd have to think for awhile about it.

EDIT: I realize that I'm being very negative here. I hope you understand that it isn't that I'm just trying to tear down your idea. It's that I see some very problematic elements in the core of the champion and I'm hoping to show/explain the problems so that you can take the lessons and move forward with either a rework or future ideas.
If you have the time, Nadevoc, I would appreciate it if you could browse through the folder of concepts I posted. Your feedback is highly technical, which I find to be immensely useful. Since I do not have all the champs and items memorized and I only really took a cursory glance at other champs to make sure base stats were ok, a more critical, technical eye would be of great help.