Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
One: Avoid fighting him with no allies or minions around. If there's only one target, his Q *CRUSHES* you.
That's actually contrary to how you should be fighting Morde. Sure, his Q does more damage to solitary targets, but he has exactly one way to deliver that, and its high-cost(flash). Standing outside his auto-range(and if you're the ADC late-game, his flash+melee range) is an easier and stronger plan than taking his Siphons while standing in your own minion wave. The bigger issue is his shield generation capabilities, which are stronger if he can AoE your minions and/or allies. Mordekaiser is at his weakest against a ranged foe in open river. Having full teams jump into his AoE range is exactly what he wants, since his shield becomes massive.