If the defining feature of art is it's ability to inspire emotion though, then given the subjective nature of art, a single piece could both be and not be art at the same time, entirely depending on who is viewing it.

Which is just confusing.

It seems to me that a lot of people like to reserve the label art for things that are also good. I'm not sure I agree with that, it seems a difficult definition. I prefer to allow conceptual space for bad art to exist, too.

As for games specifically, I believe that storytelling is art. Music is art. Painting is art. Sculpture is art. Animation is art. providing interesting, thought provoking enviroments, like a lot of performance art or installation style art is, more or less an art form too, (albeit a slightly wishy washy form of art).

So with this in mind, I don't see how a fusion of all of those things can be anything other than art.