Fortress Mountain

This is not a good day for nameless clone #67. In the space of about a second, his gun is stolen, a knee is brought into painful contact with certain tender bits of his anatomy and then, to top it all off, the same monster responsible for the last two acts sinks it's jaws into his shoulder. His reaction is the same as any wounded animal- A howl of pain and clawing, biting, kicking at the offender.

He is vaguely aware of his brothers scattering to avoid the bullets, of three of the battlemages grabbing three of the winged soldiers and shooting up into the air above the lift. These are not particularly important to him now. The only perspectives he finds important now are those of the commanders, telling him what to do.

It's not a course of action that's very accommodating to his continued existence. That doesn't matter much. Unlike a wounded animal, the winged clone's reason for fighting back isn't a desire to escape, but a desire for revenge. And that this course of action does offer.

Fighting against the pain he plants both feet firmly on the ground and tries to shove Clarissa backwards, just as the lift levels with the first landing- The not from which Clarissa escaped not so long ago. At the same time the two of his brothers remaining on the lift rush her as well, although one's arm has already been crippled by a lucky bullet and she could no doubt shoot down at least one of them with ease.

As mentioned, they're not particularly motivated towards preserving their own lives. Their only goal is to push Clarissa through the open doorway and into Daedalus's line of fire, where he waits with the artic cannon she so carelessly discarded.