Quote Originally Posted by Lentrax View Post
So... On a more positive note, well...

Hmmm. I don't seem to have one.

Anyone have some good news to share?
Well, I checked out thte local GLBT Center in Denver yesterday. It's a pretty neat place.

I just had a couple issues with it. Firstly, they've apparently got a youth hangout spot downstairs, but it's only for people 21 and under. So while that seems to be the exact kind of place I'd like to check out, I'm too old by three years. Of course, they might be more lenient about that, but I didn't really ask >_< . The other bit is that all their trans stuff happens on Thursdays, which conflicts with my kung fu practice that I started up again last week.

Huh, I guess this news didn't turn out to be as good as I had initally thought. Oh, well. It's at least neutral news, possibly good-ish. Right?
